
This app is an an interactive resource directory for people to use when they find out someone they know has committed a sexual assault. I created this app as part of the Interactive Mechanics Fellowship program. This user group (people who know someone who has sexually assaulted someone else) seems niche at first glance, but in reality, it isn’t. 72% of people who have been sexually assaulted know the person who assaulted them—so a majority of people who know someone who has been sexually assaulted are two degrees or less from the perpetrator.

Finding out someone you know has committed an assault can be traumatizing, and deserving of support. Additionally, we have the most influence over the people we know— friends, loved ones, classmates, and bystanders can make a large impact by guiding people who have abused to treatment or rehabilitation.

I struggled (and am still struggling) with balancing resentment for abuse and those who perpetrate it with principles of accountability, and finding ways to end assault that don't lay the burden on the survivor. This app won't end sexual assault, but it will offer a starting point to the discussion about what to do when it hits this close to home.